"Once you have glimpsed the world as it might be..."
"...it is impossible to live in the world as it is."
- Victoria Safford
Opportunity does not live in the past and neither should the companies that will shape the future. We believe that the companies worth investing in are those with the potential to change the world.
By blending traditional investment analytics with a healthy amount of futurist thinking we are able to understand who will be left standing in the world of tomorrow.
Forge Your Legacy
A new fund for an innovative world,
by the generation building it.
The Future Is
Already Here
We are in a world where innovation is now the rule, not the exception. Opportunity is everywhere but we must constantly readjust our thinking in order to see it clearly.
At Hephaestus, we make it our business to keep a beat on technology; filtering out the noise to focus in on promising innovations that will build a better world.